Friends of Western Road

Friends of Western Road School (FWR)

The Friends of Western Road School is the school’s Parent-Teacher Association and is a registered charity. All parents and carers with a child at Western Road are automatically members of FWR and everyone is welcome to attend FWR meetings. FWR is run by an elected committee who organise fundraising and fun events to raise money for the school.

Regular fundraising events FWR organise include the Halloween and Easter Discos, Westival, second hand uniform sales, ice-cream Fridays and other fun events.

Artists and Makers is a hugely successful fundraising event that happens every year before Christmas in the town; it is professionally run by a team of parents and is supported by FWR. It raises a huge amount of money for the school and is a fantastic event.  Volunteers are needed to help every year. 

Funds from FWR have paid for the complete refurbishment of the EYFS outdoor area and classroom, Forest School sessions for each year group, new library books and PE equipment, funds towards the new Key Stage One outdoor learning area, fun and amazing trips for each class to go on, the refurbishment of the Rainbow Room, paid for new sensory resources, yoga lessons for the whole school, Year 6 end of SATS celebrations and much more! 

A big thank you to all of you who support our events – not just the committee but lots of parents and carers help us make every event a success. 

Join Us

We are looking for new members!  If you’d like to join our friendly team of parent and staff volunteers, then please speak to one of the Committee members or send us an email.  Committee members are asked to attend a committee meeting once a term where we discuss new fundraisers and vote on school funding requests.  Alternatively if you'd like to help out but do not have the time to join the committee, you can join our FWR volunteer Whatsapp group to hear how you can give an hour or two of your time to help at events. 

Your committee

Chair: Jordan Clarke
Secretary: Edward Davey
Treasurer: Penny Fletcher
Committee Members: Irena Wooler, Rea Hamilton, Tom Surgey, Olivia Surgey, Holly Atkins, James Herber

Contact us:



Up coming events for the 2024 / 2025 academic year

Upcoming FWR Events (2024 / 2025)