Field play trail

16th September 2024
Dear Families,


As explained in the newsletter (sent out on Friday, 13th September 2024), we are delighted to have a new play trail for the field! We have combined resources with Southover CE Primary School to install a play trail to keep the children active and entertained during break and lunchtimes and for use in PE sessions.


As with Forest School and our playgrounds, the trim trail will not be for use by families before school and after school. Whilst we understand that it is new and exciting, the children will only have access to it during the school day under supervision of school staff.


Western Road Community Primary School Southover CE Primary School take no responsibility for any injuries, damage or accidents caused during unsupervised usage of this equipment.

Please do remind your children of the above at drop-off and pick-up.
Thank you for your understanding.
Irena Wooler
Head Teacher